Web Applications developed by nostri excel in the care taken during its production in terms of accessibility, functionality and visibility.
Correct view in all web browsers - Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, FireFox, Safari and Opera;
Stamps Valid HTML and Valid CSS, signals of quality and professionalism;
Development under the principles of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so they are better indexed by search engines so it increases the visibility of your company.
From the moment that your Web Application is available online we use Google Analytics to monitor and get all the data about your audience.
Complete online reports and interactive graphics over who sees your Web Application, when they do it, where, how do they got to it, what pages are most visited, how long the visit, etc..
Optimization in the development and performance analysis of an online Web Application is essential to its success.
Nostri ensures these two aspects in all Web Applications that develops.
Online search is the first and most common way to find products, services and companies.
Put yourself ahead of your competition by doing search engine advertising - Adwords.
Thus you guarantee your visibility and also the increase of business opportunities.